Tuesday, 26 April 2016

The halfway point

I'm halfway through the challenge given to me by a friend to post a thought a day and it seems like a good time to tell you why I'm doing this. For a while, a friend (the person in the photo below. No, that's not me) of mine had been telling me I should tweet or facebook and share some ideas. That, in turn people would share ideas back and a sort of online discussion would. I can't exactly say why I'm unwilling to commit to any of those things. But I will say, that I came up with this instead. I said, I'd post a thought a day for 30 days and maybe people would find it. I like the idea that nothing is random and if you happen to stumble across something on here, then you were meant to. If you feel like opening up a discussion from there, I'd be excited to respond. If nobody found it that would be okay too.

It's beautiful that we live in an age where we all have a voice. But, not everyone needs to shout from the rooftop. At last for now maybe some us like whispering in the breeze.

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