Monday, 2 May 2016

What's in a name?

The minute you give something a name you create ownership and ownership is the death of creativity and by extension any truly important ideas.

Once we feel we own something it stops changing and evolving. Worse, people feel they have to defend the thing they own because the idea WAS very right. They're right it was very right. The exact right invention, technique, method, religion. Until it got defined and stopped evolving. Then the great idea dies with the name.

Religion maybe being the ultimate example. I feel a connecting force, a lot of people do. But somehow once we start trying to define it too specifically we start fighting wars over the minutia.

Maybe if we all released ownership and listened instead of defending we could allow room for the possibility that none of us really know anything. Not absolutely. We won't ever know anything and that's more than okay. It's one of the things that we all share

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